Wednesday 25 November 2015

Planning- Equipment list

For our film we will be using a Nikon D3200 which is my own camera so we do not need to book this out. This camera has 1080p resolution so it will be perfect for our film. I have three spare batteries so we will be able to film for long periods of time. It will sometimes be handheld for action scenes for dramatic scenes or scenes where the camera is needed to move fluidly. We will be using a basic tripod to keep our shots steady.

We will also be using lightning for our indoor scenes as we want to light our actress perfectly to fit the tone and mood of the scene. We will be using reflectors to bounce off more natural light by using the natural light in the room and the lighting rig to bounce of the strong light to defuse the strong beaming light on our actress. Two lights will be used one facing the ceiling so we get a good natural lightbulb lighting but better quality and more evenly lit. The other light will be facing a reflector which will bounce onto the actress balancing the light and imitating the natural light from outside and the lights from the ceiling.


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