Friday 27 November 2015

Planning - Props

We want to use a few props for our short film as we need to make the ways we kill off Ella brutal and realistic so firstly we need fake blood for showing the gun wound or stab wound. The blood of course will make this more realistic and slightly gory. 

We will also be using a fake gun in a very small scene where Ella is shot and blood splatters from her head in a silhouette style shot. The camera will then pan across a gun and show a shooter in the distance when Bridies character runs towards the killer. 

We also need Ella to be stabbed in the back in another silhouette style shot as theres more of a black outline of Ella and then an arm driving a knife in the back of her. We can use a retractable knife so we can show the deadly blade but it will simply retract back and not hurt Ella.

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