Friday 27 November 2015

Planning - Cast list

We wanted to cast two main actresses for our film so we chose the most experienced actors that we know.

Bridie will be portraying the main protagonist "Sarah Smith".
Bridie is an experienced actress as she has played key roles in theatre productions for the school such as the main character in Hairspray. She is in enthusiastic and is able to portray a girl who is loving and can act emotional on command so she is perfect for the role of Sarah as we need a natural character which is pushed under certain circumstances. Also she will be able to transport us to our locations as she is able to drive with her own car.
 Ella is a great actor with a range of acting abilities which will allow us to have a good range of emotions portrayed throughout our short as we want to play on the emotional side for a fair amount of the short. She does musical theatre so she is experienced with acting and will make a great Beth for our short film.
I will be playing Jack because this role is very minimal and needs no context as Jack is simply the boyfriend of Bridies character Sarah. We will be using Jack in one single scene with one line of dialogue so we felt casting was not need for this as we can use me for such a short scene.

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