Wednesday 16 September 2015

Research - Trailer analysis 1/3 (Deadpool)

Target Audience
The genre of this film trailer is the superhero movie genre which combines mostly action adventure and sometimes fantasy. This films target audience is for young adult and older teens as it is a very explicit and foul language film as Deadpool is an antihero based for that audience. Deadpool is riddled with foul language and adult humour causing offence to a lot of people.

Mise en scene
The setting for the film is in America as this is where most typical superhero movies are set and the huge cities and buildings show the audience all around this danger there are buildings and people in danger as most superhero movies end with a huge battle ending in a lot of chaos. Fake weapons and maybe some real weapons are used in this trailer to show to the audience immediately there is a threat and going to be a lot of violence in this film which is a key area why some people watch superhero movies. Costumes are very fantasy esque as Deadpool is in a dark red suit with weapons attached to him showing he is very powerful and always combat ready which interests the audience as the audience now knows that deadpool himself will be fighting a lot and saving the world which is also a key feature in typical superhero movies. Even though the costumes are meant to be fantasy esque the colour and the detail put into them are used to make these bizarre superheros out of comics look like they would actually fit into our world using darker colours and more practical and simplistic costumes.

In this trailer a lot of the shots are either long shots medium shots or close ups as the long shots are used for establishing shots so that the audience can tell where the movie is filmed and mainly medium shots and close ups for showing characters and empthasising the importance of these characters. The long shots are also used for showing a lot of the action sequences in the film such as the car rolling and the gunmen pointing at Deadpool. There are tracks and zooms in very fast shots of action sequences such as the track across the gun to the man holding it.

There is a non diagetic soundtrack which plays over most of the trailer which is a very urban hip hop style score which is meant add a comedic effect to the trailer and shows the audience the film is not to be taken too seriously as this is also implied in visual gags throughout the trailer. There are a lot of soundbridges across the trailer as well as incidental music which raises tension and shows the main threats of the film as it plays as the character shows up implying the threat. A lot of the dialogue is meant to be very comedic showing the audience it is also a sub genre for comedy. There is diagetic sounds also in the trailer as on the bridge the car rolls and frightens a lot of people as gunmen arrive at the scene.

The editing is very slow to start with as there are many dissolves transitioning shots to one another until Deadpool becomes a hero in the trailer and once the hero is established the editing suddenly gets faster and faster as action sequences like the car rolling make the editing really quickly cut to each other making the action seem a lot more violent. There are also a lot of match on action with Deadpool kicking and punching in the car as each kick and punch lead to another kick or punch making the scene feel more brutal but also quite comedic. The titles Deadpool are blood red which sort of shows the iconography of Deadpool as he is a funny but also brutal violent superhero.

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