Thursday 17 September 2015

Research- Trailer analysis 2/3 The Martian

Target Audience
The genre of this film trailer is Sci fi which can have many sub genres such as horror, thriller, action adventure, comedy and many others as Sci fi is such a huge genre. Target audience for this film is for teens and sci fi fans such as young adults. This film is family friendly as there is no bad language or at least minor bad language. This is more of an adventure sci fi so is very good for teens and young adults.

Mise en scene
  The setting is immediately established as being a part space adventure but also primarily on Mars where this man is left behind. Props are always a huge feature in Sci fi films as usually the props have to look like advanced technology or futuristic. In The Martian trailer there are a lot of spacesuits and also a base on mars where they must survive which immeditalely tells the audience where he is and that the technology is helping him to survive. The costumes are really unique and look futuristic but not too distant from our modern astronaut suits. Everything is coloured very red so i think that empthasises the red planet that he is surviving on.

There are a lot of long shots in this trailer for effect. The reason for this is to show the vast expanse of space and this huge planet the spaceman is surviving on. The base has a lot of close ups or medium shots in the trailer to show it is kind of cramped and the astronauts living there have no luxury of space and empthasises the fact he is surviving. There are also close ups in the space shuttle which also show the claustrophobic conditions. Tracking is also used to show the audience the landscape of mars and really explore the planet.

In this trailer there are a lot of non diagetic special effects as a lot of the sounds are for advanced technology which we wouldnt have the technology to create the sounds for so a lot of non diagetic sounds are put into this trailer to give a futuristic feel and a lot of non diagetic sounds are used for the storm and explosions. Also non diagetic incidental music is used to raise tension to when there are storms and the crew is in danger. Later on in the trailer there is a non diagetic soundtrack which is used to be inspirational and uplifting making the audience happy and wanting the spaceman to survive.

The editing is slow to begin with as the narrative is explained through the narrative. Also there are bursts of quick editing to create an atmosphere of sudden danger on this planet. Later on the trailers editing starts to get faster as the tension rises and the soundtrack rises building loads of tension and excitement for the audience.

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