Tuesday 8 March 2016

Magazine Analysis - MAD MAX

The genre of this specific magazine is a specialist film review magazine. This is a full detailed review of the film and isn't representing the genre of the film very much as it has no designed format which suggests what this film is about apart from the limited images which are not very intriguing. The magazine is very professionally and has no huge appeal to younger audiences as it is very bland and simply there to be a review and has no other purpose. The target audience i would say is for older people ranging from 20 to 40 as it is very professional and has no experimental or fun elements to the layout at all. The images are laid out very basic and it feels like they are there to simply take up some space at least catching fans of Tom Hardy attention or MAD MAX franchise fans. 
However the magazine does give a lot of information and due to its basic text and images it has a lot of room to put extra quotes from reviewers and plenty of space to actually review the film. The colours to this piece do not seem to match up at all to the genre of the film as MAD MAX is this dirty sandy landscape and this magazine is clear white putting a huge juxtaposition against this magazine and this film. The image they have used does some up a lot of the genre of the movie being action and thriller but it does not include one of the most essential parts to the plot which is the use of cars, trucks and motorcycles which most of the film is spent on. 
The titles in full capitals do at least catch the fans attention and the tagline underneath 'All Miller, no filler' references the director of the film and suggest immediately this film is fast paced and action packed and does not have any 'filler' scenes which may bore the audience. Also the four and a half stars immediately shows the audience that this film is a very good and very well made movie just from the stars and it intrigues the audience to read more on how it is this amazing movie. The quote in the middle bottom of the page does give off this car driven storyline which is what the audience will read first because the quotations and the big text is easier to read and the reader is most likely to scan the entire page first before reading the extremely small writing going into detail about the film because people will want to know what they are about to read before they go into huge detail about how this film is a four star. Even though this layout of the magazine is quite bland and doesn't represent the genre of the actual film very well it does do a great job in attracting the audience to different parts of the pages and then giving the reader a good idea of how the review is going to be without going into great detail using quotations and the four and a half stars and also the tagline below the title.

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