Friday 4 March 2016

Poster Analysis - Total Recall

This film is called Total Recall and it is the reboot of a classic film. Immediately with the man at the front is establishes the main character of the film. The genre is also clear from the first glimpse as the background has clear connotations of the future or another world as the background is covered in floating futuristic buildings and big ben shows us that this is still set in London but suggests a future version of the city and highly technological future compared to dystopian futures such as MAD MAX. So the genre is clearly shown as Sci fi due to the futuristic and technological advances. It also shows a sub genre which is shown by the mise en scene in this poster which is action and possibly thriller. So immediately the audience are given a taste of how the movie will be set up in the future and that it is also a dangerous place.

The tagline also gives us a hint of what is going to happen but not too revealing so the audience is left guessing what this film is fully about. The editing in this poster is also made to give the audience a sense of mystery which is the pixel like squares coming off of the main character. The tagline and the editing fits perfectly questioning if this futuristic London is real or not and it seems like this will be a key plot and recurring theme in the movie. As some fans may know this is actually the theme recurring throughout the theme and the poser seems to suggest that the answer to 'What is real?' will be answered by the main character throughout the film so it raises a lot of questions throughout the audience and will hopefully answer them all within the film

This poster is mainly to introduce the key elements of the movie and is counted very much as a 'character poster' just to introduce the main character of the film showcasing the famous actor to get the audiences attention and show that this movie of hollywood standard having a very well recognised actor. The titles also give a sense of the future and it seems like its stainless steel but also quite scratched so its almost as if its suggesting the future isn't quite polished and as perfect as it first looks. The colours also seem to suggest the futuristic city setting as the colours are a darky cyan blue tone over the entire poster giving it a thriller feel but also a technological atmosphere being all steel like showing the advancement through using shiny metals and sleeker looking colours.

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